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Men's Health - How to Lose Your Gut - Fat Stomach Exercise Tips

Posted by Mirza Usman Monday, July 5, 2010

Having an overhanging gut is not what you thought you would have when you grew up. But thankfully it can be changed with a bit of hard work and discipline. Here are a few awesome tips to blast it away.

Realizing that you have a problem and that it is your fault is the first step, and obviously you have already completed that, so congratulations!

The next step is where the hard work starts. You have to actually do something!!

I wouldn't advise buying a gym membership to an exclusive gym community just yet because there are more important things to do first.

Trading in your old eating and drinking patterns for something a little more conducive to losing weight would be the first thing anybody worth their weight in gold in the fitness industry would recommend.

Get rid of soda, cookies, sweets, cakes, pies and all that sort of trash.

Instead start with salads, sandwiches, rolls, fruit, vegetables etc.

Then start going for a walk/jog/run once a day, depending on your current fitness levels. Don't cheat yourself here and go for a walk even though you only need to lose a few lbs. You know what you are capable of, and if you find walking around your house a challenge, then obviously you need to start with walking first.

Make sure you do a little bit of exercise each day during the week, and if you are really committed, then head out on a Saturday or Sunday too.

Next... Download your free course on How To Get Abs today, visit my fitness blog.

Johnny Palmer is a fitness fanatic and practices what he preaches. He stays in great shape all year round and helps people get abs, build muscle, lose body fat and maintain a sexy figure.

Get more information about men and women health please visit this website:http://manandwomenhealth.blogspot.com/

1 Responses to Men's Health - How to Lose Your Gut - Fat Stomach Exercise Tips

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