1. Avocados will help repair your body against the ravages of life. They are filled with some excellent nutrients like folic acid which is outstanding for you cholesterol. It contains potassium which is good for heart health and is a great for muscle repair. Folate is also in avocados which protects against heart attacks. Avocados are also loaded with anti-oxidents which fights against free radicals that damages your cells. 2. Fish did you know that the healthiest people in the world live in Iceland! Yes this is true because there diets consist mainly of fish. Fish is rich in Omega 3 which protects your heart and also helps you burn fat. 3. Blueberries have special compounds that that help protect you against protects you against oxidative damage and stops inflammation. 4. Spinach is high in vitamin K which helps in keeping your bones strong and lutin which protects your eyes against the sun also helps against cancer. 5. Olive Oil Which is rich in antioxidants and is high in monounsaturated fat which protects against inflammation. Is great to use as a salad dressing and helps also in burning unwanted fat! 6. Chocolate yes that's right pure chocolate which is rich in flavanols that preserve the healthy function of the blood vessels. 7. Water without water die plain and simple water is great to cleanse your body and help from dehydration and curb your appetite as well. Just to add one more, would be nutritional supplements which supplements the vitamins and minerals we do not get in ordinary foods. Free Your Body From Joint Pain!