Pakistan has poor health as well as sanitation infrastructure. This is especially true in the rural regions of the country. About 19% of the Paki population is malnourished as against the 17% average maintained for developing countries. Astoundingly, 30% of the child population under the age of 5 is malnourished! Some of the leading causes of diseases and death are gastroenteritis, respiratory infections, tuberculosis, congenital abnormalities, malaria, and typhoid fever. According to the United Nations estimates AIDS will be the single major health concern, could soon take the shape of an epidemic. As of 2003, there were just 68 doctors for every 100,000 Pakistanis. By 2002, the country had 12,501 health institutions including 4,590 dispensaries, 906 hospitals and a total count of 80,665 hospital beds. The rural regions had only 550 health centers with a total count of 8,840 beds. However, that being said it is heartening to see that the Pakistani government is committed to the cause of having a healthier and well-looked after population. This is specially evidenced by the new health, nutrition, and population guidelines issued by the government's National Health Policy Guidelines till 2010. One of the redeeming aspects of this promising initiative is the introduction of a lady health worker (LHW). A community-based service, this program aims to give health related information, basic health care tips, and family planning guidance to women in Pakistan. Currently, there are 3,000 women serving as LHWs in their communities. While there have been many health-related plans being implemented by the government, one health issue that is still a major cause of concern for women of Pakistan is the high neonatal and maternal mortality rates. Developed countries have been successful in reducing the number of deaths of pregnant women by educating and training the nurses-midwives, some developing nations have been unable to do so. Though the exact maternal and neonatal mortality rates of women in Pakistan are unavailable, it is generally believed that the rate could be around 30-50% (or higher). If the factors that contribute to this high mortality rate could be controlled, a reduction in the neonatal death rate is likely to come down significantly. Using capable and trained nurses or midwives for deliveries and other women health related issues throughout Pakistan, would be greatly instrumental in a lower mortality rate and better health of the country's women as well as child population. Neonatal and maternal health issues are wide spread and complicated due to frequent child births. Shocking as it may seem, but one out of every 38 women dies during child birth. The infant mortality rate is no better and stands at 101 deaths per 1,000 kids, while for those aged below 5 have higher mortality rate with 140 deaths per 1,000 births. These numbers far exceed the averages for developing countries by 60% and 36% respectively. Though more and more men and women in Pakistan are using contraceptives, the rate of fertility still remains high and there is an average of 5.3 births per woman with population growth rate much higher than anywhere else in South Asia. But perhaps more plaguing than these diseases are the multiple issues of society that considers women as low. More information about women health please visit this website:
What is all the buzz about plastic surgeons offering help in the sexual gratification department? Laser vaginaplasty offers the ability to feel greater sexual pleasure and in addition to this, the female body is receiving attention in the surgical world. Many surgeons that focus on the health and wellbeing of women are offering other treatments that can increase sexual gratification for women. With the introduction of the g shot, many women have been offered the opportunity to explore new facets of their sexual life that they may not have originally known existed. Furthermore, many women may not be privy to the concept of the g spot, named after the man who suspected that women have a pleasure zone within the vagina which was not formerly known of. This area, considered to have nerve endings which help to create sexual pleasure, can be amplified using the g shot, making it more prominent and susceptible to friction. The g shot is a painless procedure after the area is numbed with local anesthesia. It is an out patient procedure which a doctor can perform in a short time. Subsequent injections usually take less time even than the first because body measurements and anatomy are recorded for quick use the second time around. Each injection usually lasts for about four months depending on your unique body type and body. Each woman is different. Each woman may notice a heightened sensitivity in the g spot area which allows the body to feel more sensations during sexual arousal, intercourse, or play. The injections would need to be repeated about every three months to maintain the effects. For woman, these sort of medical treatment options performed in the privacy of a surgeons office can offer an unique way to take charge of your sexual health and heighten your pleasure. Injections are considered elective and are not covered by medical health insurance. The g shot is considered a natural bioengineered human collagen that does not adversely affect the body in any way. It should not interfere with movement, menstrual cycles, or the overall balance of the body. Even if it is an experimental commitment to explore various parts of your sexual health, the g shot offers each woman the opportunity to have more fun and to experiment with new ways to enjoy the intimate moments in life. For each woman, results will vary. Before any sort of cosmetic procedure, it is important to have realistic expectations and to discuss potential benefits and risks with a trusted doctor. Taking care of your medical health involves being fully aware of any treatment options that you choose to partake in to add to the quality of your life. It is each patient's responsibility to understand their treatment and to ask questions. Coming to an accurate understanding is a great way to take charge of your health and in this case, your sexual life. To keep the body healthy, it is important to practice safe sexual practices and to let such medical breakthroughs in sexual exploration be a fun and safe introduction to your life. More information about health visit this website:
INTRODUCTION: All of you are very much familiar with the saying that "health is wealth". This is implemented to all individual irrespective to their age, gender, social status and etc. Health is a very important issue for all the individuals. And when it comes to women health, there are lots of questions to be asked. There are many issues when we talk about women health, out of them the important issues that most commonly experience by all women are discussed here. MENOPAUSE: OVERVIEW: CAUSES OF MENOPAUSE: NATURAL MENOPAUSE: Perimenopause starts several years before menopause due to reduce secretion of female sex hormone from the reproductive organ. The second stage is actual menopause, in which reproductive organ completely stopped the release of female gamete and secretion of female hormone. It is diagnosed when there is no menses for about 12 months. And the last stage is post menopause that are the years after menopause in which signs of menopause go away but there is greatest risk of health problems. SURGICAL MENOPAUSE: In this there is surgical removal of reproductive organs and the women practice the signs and symptoms of menopause. CANCER CHEMOTHERAPY and RADITION THERAPY: When the women taking treatment of cancer that is located near the reproductive organs may also result in the menopause. In this, symptoms of menopause begins during treatment or following treatment. SYMPTOMS OF MENOPAUSE: Most of the symptoms of menopause are due to he deficiency of female sex hormones, these symptoms includes hot flashes, increase pulse rate, depression, anxiety, mood swing, sleep disturbances, bone breaking, joint and back pain, skin wrinkles and thinning. OSTEOPOROSIS: OVERVIEW: RISK FACTORS: There is no single cause for osteoporosis but risk factors can play an important role in the breaking of bones. These include; SYMPTOMS: COMPLICATIONS: HEART PROBLEMS: OVERVIEW: CAUSES OF HEART PROBLEMS: SYMPTOMS: TREATMENT: More information please visit this site:
Every woman experiences the natural phenomena of menopause. Menopause is a natural process in which there is permanent stoppage of the normal menstrual cycle and reproductive functions. Most women experience this stage after 40 years of life but normal age range is between 45-55 years.
It is the permanent ending of the menstrual cycle due to normal changing in the reproductive and hormonal systems of the body. Natural menopause in women described in three stages;
Osteoporosis is the bone disorder in which there is weakening of bones so high risk of breaking. These broken bones are called as fractures and most commonly occur in hips, wrist and backbone. (6) It normally appears after the menopause in which there is severely reduction in the female sex hormone that is involved in the bone formation.
Normally female do not know that she has osteoporosis until fracture occurs but some of the symptoms are backache, a gradual reduction in height accompanied by bent posture and fractures of wrists, hips and and backbone.
Fractures due to osteoporosis are very painful and take month for improving. In many conditions, pain goes away when healing is completed. If the pain remains after healing it is called as chronic pain and is due the back bone fracture. What ever the causes of this pain but the feelings of disturbance, anger and fear make it more intense.
Heart problems are uncommon in woman before menopause that do not have high blood pressure, diabetes and excessive fats in blood when compare with man.As the menopause occurs the risk of heart problems become similar to men.
It has been proven that deficiency of female sex hormone can enhanced the risk of heart problems. Due to the absence of this hormone, normal balancing of good and bad cholesterol levels and blood flow is disturbed that results in the heart problems in post menopausal women.
Most commonly there are increase chances of chest pain and heart attack due to thickening of vessels walls because of deposition of fats and formation of blood clots as well as narrowing of blood vessels and reduction in the blood flows to heart.
To reduce the symptoms of menopause Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is an effective treatment. Besides this, certain herbs and dietary supplements like alfalfa, soybeans, flaxseed oils and olive oils helpful in improving the symptoms of menopause.
Sexual health is such a wide topic with so many opinions that it is hard to get any straight answers. Even if you are lucky enough to get an answer one might find that there is another answer waiting just to contradict that one. It's a puzzling world for both men and women. This distinction is brought to light simple because of the fact that men and woman see sex differently. They experience puberty differently and male's sexual health is far different to female's sexual health. It can seriously be argued that Men's sexual health begins at puberty. Women on the other hand, do experience wide and broad ranges of emotions coupled with psychological and physical issues far worse than men. Though men and women experience sexuality differently; it's imperative however, that young men and woman are made aware of the risks they face and what they need to do cope. A duo combination Sexuality and women's health in general go hand in hand. It's just plain biology, the fact is women are the reproductive vessels of our species and their bodies undergo tremendous changes and pressure and the sexual and general health are often one in the same. Women have many different stages of their lives that sexual health takes on different aspects; there are different precautions for pregnancy than there is for menopause. There're different requirements for puberty than there is for a woman in her twenties. The list is endless. Men's sexual health however is less diverse but by no means less important. The first and most obvious is Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STD's.) This is something that all men and women need to be aware of and act accordingly. It is very much man's responsibility to get himself checked-out regularly, and protect himself and his partner always! When we discuss questions in the male sexual health realm we can have questions from "can you break your penis" to more involved and serious questions such as "how do I deal with prostate cancer". Male sexual health is not something that is very openly spoken about; this may be due to the fact that in most cultures it is unaccepted discourse. However in today's evolving world men are becoming increasing open to discuss and asking question about men's sexual health. There're serious problems out there, unfortunately most are not given as much social awareness as things that are more economically beneficial to the pharmaceuticals market and are as closely attached to men's ego's, such as erectile dysfunctions. Yes these are important aspects to men's health but to a large extent these issues are being flogged on the TV, internet and anywhere else purely for the economic, wealth creating, factor and less for the concerns and sexual health of men and sexual health of woman. Serious sexual and women's health in general have taken a significant back seat in the public eye simply because it is not as profitable to talk about. That is why it is up to the households to educate the next generation, because the capitalist orientated-world won't. Sexual health questions are part of growing-up, and parents should encourage their children to be open about sexual questions. Emeka Ezidiegwu is a Webmaster, Author, and Internet marketer. If you're informed by this article, please visit us at Online Medicine Info; for this and more related articles like: men's sexual health oronline medicine information plus much more.
Women Health Supplements - Learn More About the Nutrients That You Need
Women are different than men, we all know that, but what specific nutrients are beneficial for women, compared to men? That is a question that I will be answering in this article. If you are at any of the extremes (old or young), you most likely do not need any specific nutrients to help balance your hormones and your body. But if you suffer from low sexual drive, PMS or menopausal symptoms, you might need some specific herbs and nutrients to help your body balance itself out and feel better. This is where high quality woman health supplements come in and can really make a difference. A few examples of hormone balancing herbs for women are: • Chaste Berry Extract These extracts have been proven to help with menstrual irregularities, PMS, cramps, preventing miscarriage, reducing headaches, migraines, eye pain, inflammation and swelling. It is also important that women health supplements contain all the essential minerals, enzymes, vitamins, amino acids, specialty nutrients and co-factors. A lot of women today are deficient in many different nutrients, according to research studies done all over the world. The good news is that this can easily be remedied by using high-quality women health supplements. You can, of course, buy these extracts on your own. If you do decide to do that, I recommend that you talk with an experienced herbalist that can help you make a specific blend for you. I highly recommend that you do your research and discover the different options that are available today. It is easier than ever before to give your body what it needs to balance itself out and stay healthy. If you do not have any of the problems above, it is also beneficial for you to take these extracts in a preventative measure. You can also use a standard multivitamin supplement that only contains the most beneficial nutrients for both men and women. If you're interested in learning more about the best multivitamin supplement for both men and women, visit my website, where I share what products I have personally been using daily for several years. Henri K. Junttila is a health researcher, and believer of using the best natural options to stay healthy and young. Visit his website today to learn more about the powerful health benefits of natural supplements. More information about health please visit:
• Dong Quai Extract
• FeverFew Extract
• Isoflavones
• Red Clover Extract
• Wild Yam Extract
Men are mostly considered to be the dominant gender in any society; due to this stereotyping men have always been neglected in most of the areas of problems in every society. The point of major concern of a person is his or her health and therefore through ages humans have been struggling to find out ways and means that would keep them healthy always. As we all are familiar with the fact that although there are many phenomena which are common in every human body and there have been significant efforts in understanding these phenomena but still there are many other issues as well which are specifically associated with women as well as men. Throughout years the major issue of concern was women's health and this concern led to many researches regarding the particular issues of health problems in women but there had been no particular subject such as men's health for a very long time ago. These days as awareness is being increased among people and people are becoming more liberal as compared to the situation way back thus a new subject has emerged that is men's health and it particularly refers to the major and specific issues regarding health of men. Now a days people are doing a lot of research in this respect and in doing so there have been created many forums internationally as well. In many countries men's health as a subject is being taught by professional teachers. After a lot of research in this subject so far researchers have come up with so many solutions and suggestions regarding different health issues confronted by men. This subject is extremely vast and it covers each and every aspect. The first and the foremost advice which will be given by an expert of this field to a man would be to keep him active and energetic because it has been found that lethargy leads to some of the major issues regarding men's health. Thus it has been advised for men to be active and be energetic and this goal can be achieved only if men make some extra efforts and try to be responsible in this respect. More information please visit:
When we talk about women's health, this is a lot different from what men need in order to stay healthy and disease free. Women have their own need whether it is about food and diet, activities, medical attention and even basic needs such as clothing and shelter. Women are known to be fragile but the more conscious version of her opposite sex. In this article we will discuss some possible ways that can help women improve her health in no time. There are many ways for a woman to improve her well being. These ways are guaranteed to have great effects not only on her physical well being but most of all to her emotional and psychological development. As we all know women are more conscious than men when it comes to health issues so this article will be very easy for them to follow and comply. Here are some effective ways to help improve women's health. - Diet and nutrition When it comes to diet and nutrition, women have different caloric needs compare to men. Women need less calories and fats than men. What a woman needs on her daily diet are more vitamins, minerals and iron. Iron is very vital as woman has monthly period and sometimes can lost excessive blood that may lead to anemia. Women need more fruits and vegetables and less carbonated drinks even coffee and alcohol should be limited. - Medical attention Women are prone to have diseases than men. Even a simple reproductive infection may lead to more serious complications if left undiagnosed and untreated. Women need to undergo Pap smear every year to make sure there are no cancer cells growing inside her uterus and ovary. Women also need to have breast examination and this can be easily done by her doctor or even by herself. - Protected Sex Once a woman becomes sexually active she must have enough knowledge about having safe sex. Acquiring different kinds of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are very easy and getting more serious complications and conditions such as HIV and AIDS are just a part of this. When this happened, a woman may end up having such condition or she may get pregnant. There are many ways to get safe sex. It is always advisable to see a health practitioner to gain more details about this matter. Bear in mind that this is important in improving women's health. - Exercise There are now many women who work like men. They devote most of their time toiling which in result they tend to forget their physical well being. Through this women may develop certain diseases and conditions such as diabetes, obesity and even high blood pressure. Women who lack activities such as exercise and have the kind of job that only require them to sit on their chair the whole day may have a bigger chance of acquiring one of these condition compare to those whose works involve some movements. For busy women, a simple fifteen walk twice a week is very beneficial. These simple ways are very easy to follow and it will not be that complicated if you are really into changing your way of life. Learn more about venerx. Stop by Kelly Halley's site where you can find out all about venerx and your vitalityand what it can do for you.
After a winter of discontent the sunshine promises to be welcome relief for both men and women. Summer health spa experiences are the perfect opportunity to escape from the cut and thrust of everyday life with a heavenly selection of pampering gifts that will leave you feeling refreshed for your summer break. Spend a welcome day at one of the UK's leading health spas and enjoy a day or even an entire weekend in relaxing luxury. Take time to soothe away those stresses and strains with a luxurious massage or treatment and begin to feel at peace with the world once again in a haven of tranquillity. Men can also take advantage of the country's most exclusive leisure facilities with overnight golf breaks at a luxury hotel boasting Championship-quality courses and scenery. Many have played host to the top golfing events and you too can take to the greens followed by sumptuous dinner and breakfast the following morning. These spectacular health spas can also provide an opportune setting for honeymoons, birthdays and anniversaries with weekend breaks the order of the day. Spoil yourself and one other lucky person with a weekend in some of the most luxurious premium hotels across the country. Set aside in numerous secluded locations nationwide, these weekend breaks are more than just a place to rest your head. An intriguing and unique pampering and relaxation experience is available with a two night Teepee break in the Welsh mountains. Set aside in the wilderness of the countryside, this summer camping experience offers spectacular scenery combined with activities including a Reiki massage, meditation session and numerous walking and hiking opportunities. Treat yourself and someone special to some extra breathing space this summer. Red Letter Days provide high quality adventure & activity gifts for every occasion. Our wide range of Health Spas will solve any present buying dilemma. Purchase an activity gift voucher to give someone an unforgettable gift.
In recent years as our knowledge of women's health has grown we have become more aware of the big physiological differences that there are between men and women and how because of this the need to treat each gender differently and look at sex when diagnosing certain conditions is beneficial. Our attention should be drawn to the primary areas of concern for all women such as reproductive health, heart disease, female cancers and diet. Its important to look at diet because we know that over 50 percent of the population is now overweight and that figure includes a big percentage of women that in fact are recognised as clinically obese. The consequences of this are huge. Some of today's biggest killer diseases such as heart failure and diabetes are all directly linked to over eating and poor diet as well as a number of other life limiting conditions such as infertility and high blood pressure. It is important for women of all ages to eat as healthily as they can and take regular exercise Female cancers have seen some success in treatments and diagnostics over the past few years, Breast cancer now has a better survival rate than ever before with early diagnosis up by 2 percent. Ovarian cancer however has not had the same luck. Ovarian cancer is a difficult to diagnose illness. Most women experience many of its symptoms on a monthly basis without ever having anything wrong with them. However, those same symptoms can be a warning that ovarian cancer is present. So if you suffer from excessive gas, changes to your weight or a felling of fullness in your pelvis it's wise to get checked out by your doctor, just to be sure. The world's biggest killer heart disease targets women and men equally but a heart attack is far more likely to kill a woman than a man. As previously mentioned healthy eating and regular exercise can all help to prevent you becoming a victim of heart disease, so making a few lifestyle changes is very beneficial in the long run. There have been many changes in reproductive health over the years the latest now is a choice of intramuscular injections of patches worn to prevent pregnancy. There is also a new birth control pill that has a slow release dispenser. It releases the hormone over 84 days as opposed to 21, which means a women will only menstruate 4 times a year. Going to doctor is okay. However, sometimes women need a little more attention, a little more focus, a little more guidance and understanding. Here is where womens health care clinics andwomens health groups offer invaluable women's health services. For all the free information you'll need about women's issues, please visit our website. More information visit my blog post:
Female sexual dysfunction is used to describe low libido and arousal disorder in women. Not only this, it also covers other sexual problems such as vaginal dryness etc. Millions of women suffer with such problems all over the world. Thankfully, there are some natural sexual enhancers specially formulated for women that can help them enjoy physical side of love. Such supplements are for women what Viagra is for men. Natural sex pills for women are a blend of all natural herbs and other ingredients that not only increase blood flow to the clitoris but also support your body's natural hormonal system to ensure greater sex drive and natural lubrication. Some of the natural ingredients in such sex pills for women include: Ginseng and ginko biloba are both very effective in increasing blood flow to the genitals. It is worth noting that reduced blood flow to the genitals is one of the prime reasons behind sexual dysfunction and reduced libido in women. Ginseng not only increases blood flow but is also extremely effective in reducing stress. Stress is another dominant factor in lowering sex drive in women. As far as a woman is concerned, brain and body are equally at play during sex. Damiana and red raspberry are the some of the best herbs to boost estrogen production naturally. Low estrogen levels not only plunge your sex drive but also leads to vaginal dryness that can make walls of the vagina thin and dry. Vaginal dryness is one of the most uncomfortable problems for women and can also make intercourse painful. Such supplements not only increase libido but also relieve menopause symptoms. Besides this, they can also help boost fertility and strengthen your reproductive system. Top notch supplements are clinically approved and do not have any side effects. Some of the best ones have been featured on FOX NEWS. So, if You Want to Get Over Female Sexual Dysfunction, Check out the Best Female Sexual Enhancer Ever! ==>> Stop Worrying About Low Libido or Vaginal Dryness! Supercharge Your Sex Drive with the Best Female Libido Enhancers including supplements and Gels that have featured on Fox News and the Hit TV Show The Doctors. View my blog post:
A Woman's Guide on How to Get Rid of a Yeast Infection Once and For All - Easy Tips to Follow
If you have ever experienced a yeast infection then you already know how devastating the condition can be. The truth is, statistics shows that more than 70% of women will have a yeast infection at least once in her lifetime. Otherwise known as candidias infection, this infection is caused from the overgrowth of the micro-organism Candida albicans. This is a fungi that is found in humans at very low concentrations. However, if they are allowed to multiply they can cause serious problems. So the question know is: how to get rid of yeast infection once and for all? Like most diseases, you need to treat the root cause of the infection in order to eliminate it for good. Nowadays, most of the treatments only treat the symptoms. If you have been suffering for some time and have tried most of the treatments on the market, you would have realized that they only offer a temporary solution. The symptoms will go away for a while only to come back later. How Do You Treat The Root Cause Of The Infection? This has a lot to do with your lifestyle. You need to live in such a way that the concentration of the Candida albicans never grow to a level where they will cause problems. Some of thing things that you can do to prevent the infection include: ** Washing your underwear with warm water ** Always dry your skin properly after a bath or if you have been in water ** Never share bath soaps or towels ** Limit your alcohol and sugar intake since yeast feed on these ** Wear loose fitting clothes so that your skin can breathe. Tight clothing will cause a build up of heat which contributes to the infection. ** Shower at least two times per day What if you already have an infection - How do you get rid of it? If you already have candidias, there are home remedies available that you can use to eliminate your symptoms. You can add a few spoons of vinegar to a bath of water and sit in there naked for about 30 minutes. This helps to restore the vagina natural pH and reduce the build up of Candida albicans. Other remedies that you can use include garlic douche and the yogurt tampon. These both have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that will keep the infection under control so that you can live a happy and healthy life free from yeast infections. Now pay close attention here, There is a sure fire way that is guaranteed to get rid of yeast infection and vaginal odor within 12 hours. If you have been desperately looking around for a cure to yeast infection or vaginal odor then this is the most important message you will ever read. More information about man and women health visit my blog:
It should be common knowledge that men and women store and carry fat in different areas; one need only look around to see this. In general, women tend to put on fat on their hips, legs, and buttocks while men tend to store primarily in their waistline. Scientists call the shapes in men android or apple and the pear shape that most women have they call the gynoid. The third type of shape is androgynous, meaning appearing on males and females which is an overall coverage of body fat. Someone who is prone to being overweight may be subject to factors such as a genetic predisposition to gain weight that comes from their parents, an under active thyroid, or as seen in recent news reports may even be infected with a virus that predisposes them to weight gain. Fat distribution seems to be influenced by age, genetics, and race, but even more so it is governed by hormones that are specific to each gender. The estrogen hormones in women call for fat to be stored in the aforementioned pear shape while the testosterone in men leads to fat storage in the abdomen and even right above the hips. It is not news to anyone that excessive body fat is bad for one's health but the way that fat is stored and where it is stored affects the function and health of specific organs. There are two types of fat, subcutaneous, which is under the skin and visceral, which is around the organs. Having excess fat around the abdomen is from visceral fat which tells us that abdominal fat is the most dangerous risk to our health. One of the easiest ways to determine excessive fat deposits is the waist to hip ratio measurement. The way you get this is by dividing your waist measurement by your hip measurement. The maximum for men is .95 for men and .80 for women. If your results are above this you need to take steps to reduce your weight. If you are an apple shape you are prone to a variety of diseases related to obesity such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea, arthritis, and more. Pear shapes are more prone to hip and knee problems and limitations in movement due to the accumulation of fat in the lower body. Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman you should take the waist to hip ratio test and if you are over it you should begin a weight loss program immediately. Glenn Freiboth is a Certified Health Advisor lives in Illinois and has helped many overweight and obese people lose weight and keep it off. Get Medifast weight loss products at View my blog post:
When it comes to women's health the physiological differences between men and women have become more and more obvious in recent years and the way in which we treat men and women and diagnose certain conditions have been adapted due to gender. This knowledge means the different sexes are offered treatment better tailored to their specific needs.
There are several key areas that need addressing and should be of concern for all women of all ages; these include female cancers, heart disease, reproductive health and diet.
Diet is an easy way to avoid some of the biggest killers around today. Most people suffering from heart disease are doing so primarily because they have been partaking in poor diet and little or no exercise. Other conditions such as infertility and diabetes are also brought about by poor diet. Changing this aspect of your lifestyle is vitally important if you wish to avoid the aforementioned conditions and stay healthy.
There has been good news when it comes to female cancers; specifically breast cancer. Early detection and survival rates have improved dramatically over the last few years by up to 2%.
Unfortunately some other cancers such as ovarian cancer is still claiming as many victims as it ever did. It is therefore vitally important for women to make themselves familiar with the rather ambiguous symptoms that sometimes present themselves with this condition. A feeling of fullness, changes in urine production, weight gain, pelvic pain and excessive gas can all indicate a need to be investigates further.
Heart disease is the nation's leading cause of death. Men and women both suffer from this condition but it is worth noting that when cardiac arrest takes place, a woman is more likely to die from the event than a man. It is therefore of even more significance to eat a healthy diet and take the regular exercise we mentioned earlier for women in order to minimise any risk of heart disease.
There have been many changes in birth control over the years the most recent and most notable one being a pill. This dispenses a low dose of hormone over 84 days and produces menstruation only 4 times a year rather than the 12 times we are familiar with. This has a double positive effect due to the side effects of the pill becoming far less noticeable. It is better tolerated by women prone to experiencing them because of the low dosage administered and also the fewer periods of bleeding are also an obvious attraction for most women.
Going to doctor is okay. However, sometimes women need a little more attention, a little more focus, a little more guidance and understanding. Here is where womens health groups offer invaluable womens health services. For all the free information you'll need about women's issues, please visit our website.
The nutritional status of both the mother and father in the weeks and months preceding pregnancy can influence the outcome of the pregnancy. The nutritional and toxic state of the mother in the first eight weeks of pregnancy (when many women are pregnant and don't realize it) can determine whether the baby will develop normally or not. Similarly the quality of the father's sperm can be influenced by both nutritional and toxic factors. Excessive burdens of toxic metals, such as lead, mercury and cadmium can adversely influence the quality of the sperm and subsequent conception. Smoking and alcohol can increase the number of sperm abnormalities and can also reduce the sperm count.
Recommendations for Health Improvements Prior to Pregnancy
If you are planning a pregnancy you need to be following the recommendations outlined below least six months before conception. The recommendations are:
For men
If you smoke try to stop. If you smoke join a program and take steps to quit this habit.
If you consume alcohol try to stop or at least significantly reduce alcohol consumption.
Improve your diet. The basic recommendations for a healthy diet are as follows:
- Sugar and refined carbohydrates intakes should be kept to a minimum or none. This includes sucrose, table sugar, white, brown or other sugars, glucose, honey, and sorbitol. Many foods, such as, sweets, cakes, chocolates, biscuits, pudding, jam, ice cream, soft drinks and other sweet tasting food contain large amounts of sucrose or other refined carbohydrates.
- White, refined flour has a low content of vitamins and minerals and should only be consumed in small quantities.
- Animal and vegetable fats should be taken in moderation. On average most people in Western societies are advised to reduce their fat consumption to about 75% of their current levels. In particular, avoid poor quality foods that have a high fat content, such as fried foods, pies, sausages, preserved and tinned meats.
- Diary foods are also high in fat content, are difficult to digest and cause many problems. They should be taken sparingly. - Ensure a good daily intake of vegetables, especially the leafy green ones. Such foods are rich in vitamins and minerals that are needed for conception.
- Ensure a good intake of fiber. High fiber foods include: beans, pulses as well as fruit and vegetables.
- Eat a varied and interesting diet. Eating a limited range of foods may make it difficult to obtain adequate amounts of all the nutrients required. Eating should be a pleasure and a social event - so try to take pleasure and interest in the food you are eating.
- Limit your intake of salt in cooking and in foods.
- Eat fresh food and avoid foods containing additives whenever possible. Additives, such as, coloring agents, preservatives, emulsifiers, texturizers and flavorings may have short term and long term adverse effects. Fresh foods, free of these, are best consumed in their place.
- Ensure a good, but not excessive intake of protein rich foods. Lean meat, fish, eggs, chicken (without the skin), nuts, seeds, peas, beans, lentils and sprouted beans are rich in protein and vitamins and minerals.
Take a good, non-contaminated, well balanced vitamin and mineral supplement.
If you have not been eating a good diet then you will have a build up of toxins in your body. These toxins can have an adverse affect on your sperm quality. The toxins need to be removed using a safe cleansing process.
For women
If you smoke try to stop. Take steps to deal with this habit. Stop smoking will have significant benefits for both your and your baby.
If you consume alcohol try to stop. Alcohol can have a detrimental effect on the health of your baby it is important for you not to drink alcohol either in the preconception time or when you are pregnant. As little as one drink while you are pregnant can affect your baby.
Improve your diet. Follow the recommendations that are presented for men.
Take a good, non-contaminated, well balanced vitamin and mineral supplement.
Stop oral contraception and use the contraceptive pill recovery program. The supplements that may be needed to recover from the contraceptive pill are:
- vitamin B1 10 - 50 mg - vitamin B2 10 - 50 mg
- vitamin B3 10 - 50 mg
- vitamin B5 50 - 100 mg
- vitamin B6 5 - 10 mg
- vitamin B12 5 - 10 mcg
- folic acid 400 mcg - 2 mg
- inositol 50 - 75 mg
- choline 35 - 75 mg - vitamin C 50 - 100 mg - vitamin E 50 - 200 mg
- magnesium 70 - 200 mg
- zinc 1 - 15 mg
Higher doses may be required by some people.
See your health professional about stopping all medication and only take what is essential.
Sort out any food allergies. Food allergies can cause a disruption to the absorption and utilisation of many nutrients. This means that you may not get the nutrients required for healthy conception. The symptoms of food allergies are varied but can include:
- sniffling, a postnasal drip and inflammation of the nasal passages,
- dark circles under they eyes (often called the allergic shiner) and puffiness under the eyes,
- restlessness, fatigue and poor sleep,
- headaches,
- behavioral issues, such as: irritability, hyperactivity and poor concentration and
- constipation or diarrhea.If you have not been eating a good diet then you will have a build up of toxins in your body. These toxins can have an adverse affect on your ability to conceive. Also if you do become pregnant the toxins can affect the health of your baby. You need to remove the toxins before you try to become pregnant. You can discover how to safely remove toxins with safe colon cleansing.
The nutritional status and toxic load of both the mother and father in the weeks and months preceding conception can influence the outcome of the pregnancy. The nutritional and toxic state of the mother in the first eight weeks of pregnancy can determine whether the baby will develop normally or not. Similarly the quality of the father's sperm can be influenced by both nutritional and toxic factors. There are many ways that 'would be parents' are able to prepare for conception. This preparation should begin at least 6 months prior to pregnancy.
Bland, J. 1996, Contemporary Nutrition. J & B Associates.
Davies, S. and A. Stewart., 1997, Nutritional Medicine. Pan.
Holden, S., Hudson, K., Tilman, J. & D. Wolf, 2003, The Ultimate Guide to Health from Nature. Asrolog Publication.
Pressman, A. and S. Buff, 2000, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vitamins and Minerals. (2nd Ed.) Alpha Books.
Soothill, R. 1996, The Choice Guide to Vitamins and Minerals. A Choice Book Publication.
Sullivan, K. 2002, Vitamins and Minerals: A Practical Approach to a Health Diet and Safe Supplementation. Harper Collins.
Dr Jenny Tylee is an experienced health professional who is passionate about health and wellbeing. She believes that health is not just absence of disease and seeks to actively promote vitality and wellness through empowering others. She encourages people to improve their health by quit smoking, cleansing their body, taking essential vitamin and mineral supplement and many other methods, including herbal remedies. Visit Dr Jenny's blog and join her newsletter for more quality information.
The American Heart Association defines cholesterol as a "soft, fat-like, waxy substance found in the bloodstream and in all your body's cells." More specifically, cholesterol is a sterol and a lipid, meaning that it is a relatively solid substance. About seventy-five percent of the body's cholesterol is manufactured in the liver and a mere twenty-five percent is absorbed from external sources. Cholesterol is necessary for important bodily processes such as the production of cell membranes and bile acids and the manufacture of Vitamin D and certain hormones such as progesterone, testosterone, estradiol, and cortisol. The body also uses cholesterol for the insulation of nerves. Everyone's body contains cholesterol. Cholesterol is also found in plants, but plants don't suffer from high cholesterol. What is it that makes cholesterol dangerous in humans?
The human body generally manufactures all of the cholesterol it needs to perform necessary functions. Therefore, cholesterol absorbed from dietary sources, the foods we eat, is unnecessary to the body's functioning and may, in fact, cause serious health problems. However, it is not the presence of cholesterol in the body that is cause for alarm, but the presence of cholesterol in the body's blood vessels, specifically the arteries, that can be the cause of such problems as heart disease and stroke.
Dietary cholesterol is absorbed from many different foods. Fruits and vegetables, and other plant foods, do not add a significant amount of cholesterol to the human diet. However, to say that humans get absolutely no cholesterol from plant sources may be a dangerous statement. Modern nutritional thought indicates that, while the amount of cholesterol absorbed from plant sources may be minimal, cholesterol levels are cumulative and therefore the amount of cholesterol from plant sources may need to be considered. Most dietary cholesterol comes from the animal products that are consumed. Foods such as meat, milk, butter, cheese, eggs, poultry and fish are examples of cholesterol-containing foods. Additionally, foods such as cookies and French fries, may contain trans fats even though they are not animal products. Some trans fats are found naturally in animal products, but most are actually man made and are used in the manufacture of snack foods, fried foods, baked goods and fast foods.
Good cholesterol, or high-density lipoproteins (HDL), is responsible for carrying cholesterol from the bloodstream to the liver for elimination. Bad cholesterol, or low-density lipoproteins (LDL), carries cholesterol from the liver to the bloodstream and is responsible for the buildup of cholesterol in the arteries. To maintain a healthy balance, the body must have more HDL than it does LDL.
It is important to understand what types of fats have what type of effects on cholesterol. The following chart, provided by the Harvard School of Public health, lists several different types of fats and what effect they may have on the body's cholesterol levels.
Generally, liquid fats are known to have a less detrimental effect on the body's cholesterol levels. Also generally, the more solid the fat, the more it raises LDL, or "bad" cholesterol.
Normal cholesterol levels vary and it is important to note that high cholesterol levels are not solely determined by diet. It is possible for an individual who subscribes to a healthy diet and exercise program to have dangerous levels of LDL cholesterol and it is possible for an individual who consumes high levels of saturated fats to have low levels of LDL cholesterol. The new cholesterol-lowering drug, Vytorin, claims to combat the two sources of cholesterol - "the foods you eat, and your family history."
The American Heart Association lists a "desirable" total blood cholesterol level as being less than 200 mg/dl. An individual who has a total blood cholesterol level of between 200-239 mg/dl, is at borderline high risk. And any individual with a total blood cholesterol level of more than 240 mg/dl is at high risk for a heart attack or stroke. Low-density lipoprotein levels should be less than 100 mg/dl. Any LDL level that is over 130 is cause for concern and an LDL level that is more than 190 indicates a high-risk individual.
Medical professionals know that cholesterol, in and of itself, is not bad. The body needs cholesterol to survive. It is the overabundance of cholesterol, causing a buildup of unused and unnecessary fat in the arteries that can lead to serious health concerns. Cholesterol that has built up in the bloodstream is called plaque. Over time, plaque can block an artery either partially or completely much like a sink drainpipe becomes clogged. This buildup of plaque is called atherosclerosis. If an artery becomes blocked, blood cannot flow properly to the body's heart, muscles, and brain.
As plaque builds up in an artery, the blood to the organ(s) supplied by that artery becomes diminished. The heart is supplied by the coronary artery. As the coronary artery becomes clogged, blood flow is restricted and less oxygen reaches the heart. An individual whose heart muscle is starved for oxygen may experience angina (chest pain) and even tissue damage or death. A complete blockage of the coronary artery may lead to a heart attack. An individual who is suffering from a blockage of an artery that leads to the brain may experience a stroke.
At one time, medical professionals believed that it was primarily men who suffered from the adverse effects of high cholesterol. Modern medical thought however, recognizes the effects that high levels of cholesterol have had on women. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that the primary cause of death for both men and women in the United States is heart disease. But, women's health poses a different set of risks for heart disease and stroke as caused by high cholesterol.
The female hormone estrogen plays an important role in maintaining the balance of cholesterol in women. Estrogen helps raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL), which in turn, helps lower low-density protein (LDL). Younger women appear to be able to count estrogen as a sort of "helper" in the battle against cholesterol. However, as a woman ages, her body ceases to produce estrogen. As a woman enters menopause, and her estrogen levels fall, she may find that high cholesterol levels become a medical issue for the first time in her life. More and more postmenopausal women are opting for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to relieve the symptoms of menopause and to prevent osteoporosis and other menopause-related concerns. However, medical studies have shown that HRT does not assist women in regaining the protection against the effects of high cholesterol they had during their childbearing years. For postmenopausal women who have been found to have problems with cholesterol, the American Heart Association suggests one of the new cholesterol-lowering medications as standard treatment.
High levels of LDL cholesterol can be, for the most part, prevented. Although there are some individuals who will be plagued by high cholesterol because of hereditary factors, many individuals can prevent cholesterol from damaging their health by following a low-fat/low cholesterol diet and getting regular exercise. However, for some individuals, diet and exercise are just not enough. For those with difficulty lowering their cholesterol naturally, and for those whose cholesterol has reached emergency levels, cholesterol-lowering drugs, called statins, are recommended. Statins work by lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol and raising HDL (good) cholesterol and may lower LDL by as much as 30-50 percent. Ideally, any individual who resorts to cholesterol-lowering drugs has already attempted to lower his or her cholesterol levels via diet and exercise. Statins are what is referred to as a "secondary" line of defense and should be used as a primary treatment only when the risk of heart disease or stroke has reached emergency proportions.
Americans are known to have poor diets. Because of a fast-paced lifestyle, many individuals rely heavily on processed foods. In addition to obesity and diabetes, one result of Americans' atrocious eating habits is an epidemic of high cholesterol. The average American consumes much more than the 300 milligrams of cholesterol that the American Heart Association recommends. Some of the risk factors of diet, age, weight, gender, disease, genetics, and lifestyle are clearly avoidable. Individuals who are at risk should take extra care to avoid the causes of high cholesterol by consuming fewer than 300 milligrams of cholesterol, limiting their total fat consumption to less than 30% of their total calories, maintaining a healthy weight, adding fiber to their diet, and participating in a regular exercise routine. Additionally, everyone should have his or her cholesterol checked every three to five years (more often if necessary). As men and women become more and more health conscious, cases of heart disease and stroke attributed to high cholesterol can be significantly lowered. As a by-product of a healthier lifestyle, the rates of other health concerns such as diabetes and even some cancers, may drop. The benefit would not only be healthier men and women but a healthier America.
Rebecca J. Stigall is a full-time freelance writer, author, and editor with a background in psychology, education, and sales. She has written extensively in the areas of self-help, relationships, psychology, health, business, finance, real estate, fitness, academics, and much more! Rebecca is a highly sought after ghostwriter with clients worldwide, and offers her services through her website at
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