We men consider ourselves 'tough'. And most are like ostriches burying heads into the sand. We visit the doctors' less frequently compared to women. Most men take symptoms of health issues less seriously and try to live a healthy lifestyle like that. That pretty much explains why most women have a 7-year average survival advantage on men! Anyway, for those who don't want things happening that way, here are 4 health tips for all round fitness of men in 2010. Stay away from "White Foods" Moreover, white foods are notorious for driving up your blood sugar levels. This contributes a lot to your weight gain, or other health problems like diabetes. And it's also wise to shun while flour food items like breads or baked goods and sugar-laden sodas. Instead, introduce fiber-rich fruits, fresh vegetables, legumes as well as whole grains. Avoid trans fats Build a habit of taking strong multivitamin supplement everyday In most of the cases, poor quality of the soil, second-rate storage, and substandard processing or cooking exhausts most of our food of the essential vitamins or minerals. So using high quality supplements everyday is like a "health insurance" against potential deficiencies. Include some weight training in your workout routine More information about men health please visit this website: http://manandwomenhealth.blogspot.com/
White flour or white sugar is not the best choice to include in your menu. They come with little vitamin or mineral properties. Moreover, they're also horribly low in natural fiber properties. Same goes for most of those which white foods commercially sold in the market.
It's better to eat less fats overall. And watch out for the types of fatty items that directly harm your body! Deep-fried foods or things made out of hydrogenated oils (margarine, peanut butter, bakery pastries or cookies) are better when avoided, since they have trans fats (which are notorious for driving up the threat of many heart diseases). Better alternative to these could be healthful fats like olive oil or omega-3 oils. These oils are found in salmon and similar cold-water fishes. They can protect you against virtually all sorts of heart diseases.
This gets better if you also take some mineral supplements. Though there's no alternate to a balanced diet, high-potency multivitamins along with a well matched mineral supplement is essential. Even though you're eating right, chances are low that the food you eat contains all sorts of nutrients needed by a male's body.
Aerobic workouts are great for improved cardiovascular conditioning. Still, you can get better health values and impacts with weight training, as far as attacking your flab factor" is concerned. Recent researches revealed that just once a week resistance exercise has strong possibility of improving the muscle strengths of an average male. So no matter how busy you are, doing that little for a better health shouldn't be much of a problem actually!