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Top Man Tips - Facial Care For Men

Posted by Mirza Usman Monday, April 5, 2010

Facial care for men can be something that a lot of men don't think about and don't even pursue. In reality, though, millions of men all over the world routinely spend quite a bit of time and money to take care of their face and have been doing this for a long time.

Every day these millions of men spend a large portion of their daily routines in grooming and facial care. And still, every day more and more men are understanding the true importance of facial care and realize that it isn't just a woman's issue. There are a plethora of choices that men have for products and procedures to take care of their face. The daily regimen that most woman partake in can be very similar to that of men. This involves daily cleansing, a deep cleansing from time to time, and consistent use of moisturizers for their face.

While the daily regimen for men and women are similar, men cannot follow exactly the same procedures. The biggest difference between the two is the fact that men shave their face on a regular basis. More often than not, a man's skin is thicker and oilier than women's. These differences account for the fact that men cannot use products that are designed for women. Men should use products specifically designed for men and is based on the differences between their skin.

As far as facial cleansers are concerned, men need something that will clean the skin but will not dry the skin. Soap dries the skin, so men should use a proper cleanser that doesn't dry their skin and use it in the morning before shaving, and also before going to sleep.

Shaving gels and creams provide a proper division between the blade and the skin. Usually gels work better than foaming soaps, as these soaps can dry out the skin and not provide enough lubrication. After shaving, a special cream or gel does wonders for the skin. It moisturizes the skin and cools the harshness of the blade.

On days in which men don't shave, they should still use a moisturizer. It should be applied daily and especially after prolonger exposure to the sun. Men should also use an exfoliator to get rid of dead skin cells. It also gives them a nice smooth and fresh look. It's typical for men to exfoliate once a week or once every other week.

Some advanced skin care treatments men can engage in include using toners and masks. Toners simply tighten the pores of the face and provide additional cleansing. It can be used after shaving, or on non-shaving days after cleansing the face and before moisturizing. Masks can be used once a week. There are many home-made natural masks men can use as well as store bought versions. They can really help remove excess oil which is a problem many men have.

As you can see there are a variety of steps a man can take to take care of his face and keep a young and refreshed look. Men don't have to do all of this at first, because facial care for men should be as simple as possible. They can start with the basics and eventually work their way towards a complete facial care regimen. It will keep their skin clear, younger-looking, clean, and fresh!

Next, check out more tips on facial care for men to help you get back the flawless skin around your eyes by getting rid of your dark circles around eyes naturally and permanently!

Check them all out here: http://www.eyedarkcircles.com


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